

Download the author information package from this location (link download).

Before starting, authors are recommended to carefully read the author information package. All documents outlined in the author information package must adhere to the specified templates.

  1. Title Page
  2. Template Manuscript (Original Article)
  3. Template Manuscript (Review Article)
  4. Template Manuscript (Systematic review & meta-analysis)
  5. Template Manuscript (Case Report)
  6. Cover Letter
  7. Conflict of Interest Statement
  8. Response to Reviewer Comments (for revision only)



Before conducting a review of any article in Deka in Medicine, reviewers are expected to thoroughly read the reviewer instruction. This information can be downloaded from the link location (reviewer information package). The information package contains guidelines on the peer review process at Deka in Medicine, including aspects to consider before conducting a review, how to manage the review process, structuring the review, and specific considerations after completing the review.



Deka in Medicine only accepts online submissions in electronic format. All new manuscripts must be submitted through Deka in Medicine's online platform, which can be accessed at Please adhere to the steps outlined below to submit your manuscript:

  1. Open the homepage of the Journal's Website
  2. Register yourself for free by clicking on register and create a user profile with a desired username and mandatory details. On submission of the information, you will receive an email confirming your registration along with the "Password".
  3. "Log In" on the main navigation menu using the username and password emailed to you at the time of registration.
  4. To start new submission, click start new submission.
  5. Check all submission checklist and click save and continue.
  6. Upload cover letter, title page, blind manuscript, figures, tables, and conflict of interest statement and click save and continue.
  7. Enter author meta-data including all authors name and affiliation, title, abstract, keywords, and references, and click save and continue.
  8. Confirm the submission and click finish submission.



As a component of the submission procedure, authors must verify that their submission adheres to all the listed items. Submissions not meeting these criteria may be returned to the authors.

  1. The submission has not been previously published and is not under consideration by another journal.
  2. The manuscript is formatted using Microsoft Word, with the text double-spaced and set in a 12-point font.
  3. The title page and manuscript body are prepared as separate files.
  4. All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the end.
  5. Authors are encouraged to upload references in RIS format when utilizing reference management software such as EndNote, Zotero, or Mendeley.
  6. The manuscript conforms to the stylistic and bibliographic specifications outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  7. The submission document employs the template furnished on our website.



Authors who publish in Deka in Medicine agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain the copyright of their work and grant Deka in Medicine the right of first publication. The work is simultaneously licensed under  the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, allowing others to remix, adapt, and build upon the work non-commercially, with proper acknowledgment of the authorship and initial publication in Deka in Medicine.
  2. Authors are permitted to redistribute the published version of their work non-commercially, such as by posting it to an institutional repository or including it in a book, provided they acknowledge its initial publication in Deka in Medicine.



The names and email addresses submitted on this journal site will be strictly utilized for the specified purposes of this journal and will not be shared with or used for any other purpose or by any other party.